Our team is dedicated to making your Craigslist hiring campaigns as simple, effective, and enjoyable as possible. Seriously. Helping our users make the most out of their experience is our passion – it’s why we do what we do here at RocketPost.
This is where our dedicated Success Team comes into play. Whether you have a question, need help with reporting, or you are simply in need of bouncing ideas off of an outside party, we’re here to offer our expertise. We love watching our partners grow and succeed!
So, just how does the RocketPost Success Team assist you outside of the generic services that you’d expect from a partner tech company? Let’s take a closer look!
Advanced Reporting – Available at Your Request
Are you in need of reviewing your posting strategy? Or examining your reports to track which methods have brought your campaigns the most success? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the RocketPost Success Team through email, or chat with us in-platform to request a report!
Reporting is an important aspect of tracking and understanding your performance. Our reporting features can break down your clicks, impressions, and conversions by market or campaign. These reports can also be sent to you directly on a monthly basis per your request.
Our reporting features are not only helpful in the moment, but they can help you determine future marketing strategies based on which methods of yours have been the most successful. With RocketPost, performance tracking is a click away! (And comes at no additional cost to you!)
Professional Guidance from Industry Experts
Collaboration with your RocketPost Success Team is not limited at a 5 minute phone consultation, or a 6 sentence email. When we say that we work with our partners, we truly mean it. The RocketPost Success Team is committed to providing you with the guidance you are looking for to get the results you need.
Our partners book meetings with us for many different reasons. While some want to meet with us for a more in-depth look at certain questions, others meet to collaborate. We don’t just enjoy providing you with our services, we love sharing them and our industry knowledge with you to aid your campaign’s success.
RocketPost Success Team members are here to walk you through your posting data, content, and what it means. We are also capable of discussing general ad content ideas, the best days/times to post your content, or even offer support with art direction.
Experiencing Technical Difficulties?
While we pride ourselves in providing the most comprehensive customer service experience with Craigslist software, we are of course also here to assist with any general technical difficulties you and your team might be experiencing, as well.
Our experts on the backend dedicate all business hours to providing you with the technical support you and your campaigns need. For any minor issues or questions you may have, feel free to make the most out of our in-platform chat feature. Your message is sent directly to one or our team members who will respond with a solution as quickly as possible within our regular business hours! (Like, exporting your billing summary, for instance.)
Or, if you are dealing with a more complex issue, we also invite you to book an appointment with a RocketPost Success Team member. Each one of your campaigns is important – and we work to make the most out of your RocketPost experience.
Basically – we just love collaborating with you!
A Team You Can Count on!
We might be a biased party, but we believe that our knowledgeable Success Team is what makes RocketPost – well RocketPost – your preferred integrated automation platform.
Haven’t experienced the power of automated posting yet? Schedule a free RocketPost demo today!