Posting jobs on Craigslist can be tedious, especially when you’re posting the same ad in multiple locations over and over. With the help of RocketPost and these posting strategies, you’ll find the perfect candidate for all your needs more quickly and efficiently!
Day of Week to Post
Understanding when your audience will be looking for work will help your ad get more views. Generally, the best days of the week for posting jobs on Craigslist are Wednesday and Saturday. However, this can vary by industry. As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to post before and after your applicants are busy working normally. For example, if job-seekers in your industry commonly work weekends, it may be better to post more during the week.
Time of Day to Post
Just as there are optimal days to post job ads, there are optimal times to post your ads. Based on data collected from millions of posts, the best time to post a job is early in the morning. However, this can also vary by industry and position. For example, if the position you are advertising for is an overnight shift or works later hours, posting earlier in the afternoon in the same time zone may garner more attention.
Cadence, the amount of posts you are publishing, is also vital to your recruiting efforts. Posting your job too often is called spamming, which is not recommended. However, repeating your job post may be necessary. While job posts last for 30 days, impressions and clicks on your posts disappear almost completely after 5 days on the site. Generally, you should aim to post your job 2-3 times per week. If you’re urgently trying to fill a position or you’re posting in a high-volume market, you may need to post 4 or more times a week.
This video will show you how to specifically choose the correct cadence for the market you are posting in.
How RocketPost Can Help You
RocketPost’s integrated automation platform will enable you to mass post jobs, better target your audiences, and build custom posting schedules to optimize ad performance. With RocketPost, you’ll be able to control every aspect of your candidate search so you can spend more time running your business.
Schedule a free RocketPost demo and discover the power of automated posting!