At times, posts can be flagged either by users, automatic moderators or Craigslist staff. It can be frustrating, especially if you were careful in making sure that your listing was compliant with Craigslist’s terms. We understand and are ready to help.
Here, we will discuss possible reasons Craigslist posts can be flagged, along with suggestions to prevent this from happening in the future!
Post Goes Against Craigslist’s Terms of Use
Craigslist’s Terms of Use (or ToU) may be the first place you want to navigate to if your post is flagged. It could be something as simple as changing your wording to ensure your post is compliant with Craigslist’s rules.
It is important to know that if your post contains any form of prohibited content, it will likely be removed. Examples of prohibited content can include any selling of recalled items, ticket scalping, and multi-level marketing. Multi-level marketing is prohibited on Craigslist, as it can be a deceptive business practice, rather than a legitimate job opportunity.
Another common error violating Craigslist ToU would be a miscategorized ad. While miscategorized posts are typically an honest mistake, they can still get your post flagged. For example, if you are offering a cleaning service, but your listing is in the category of “For Sale” instead of “Services Offered”, it would be considered a miscategorized ad. Another example would be posting for a research study in need of medical survey participants, but you post in general labor instead of et cetera.
Your post may have been flagged as spam. This is frustrating – especially when your listing is not spam. Craigslist is careful, and has a very narrow definition of spam however, and if your post falls into that category, it is likely that it was flagged.
Craigslist considers spamming as posting a job in the same area and job category twice within 48 hours. If you must repost your listing before 48 hours passes, be sure to delete your original post before you publish your new one.
Craigslist’s algorithm is also sensitive to keywords and phrases that can get your listing flagged. Words associated with scams such as, “free”, “advert”, or “cash”, are almost certain to get flagged. Although it is unlikely your listing will be using these words, it may still be helpful for you to review it for any unusual or awkward phrasing that could have triggered the algorithm’s sensitivity.
Multi-Job Posts
You may want to review your listing to ensure it can’t be seen as a multi-job post. Again, returning to picky word choice, if you were to use the word “drivers” instead of “driver” in your post, Craigslist may have interpreted your ad as trying to recruit more than one person within a single listing. Be sure that you are appropriately using Craigslist to target one person for your job, and that your word choice is singular rather than plural, to make this clear.
Your Email and Location Settings
If you are posting your listings in Detroit, then Craigslist will begin associating the email address linked to your account with Detroit. Since Craigslist was designed to be a resource for users in local areas, posting for a job in a different location, such as Chicago, using the same email, can flag your listing.
Reasons RocketPost Users’ Ads Get Flagged and How We Help
While it’s uncommon for our users to experience the many issues listed above due to our advanced user platform, trouble related to your email address, a flagged link, or duplicate content, could arise.
If you are experiencing these issues with your listing, we invite you to reach out to the RocketPost Success Team! We are eager to work with you on a case-by-case basis to quickly resolve any issues you experience.
Happy Posting!
While we hope you never get wrongfully flagged on Craigslist, it can happen at times. RocketPost users rarely experience these issues as often as everyday Craigslist users; this is due to our advanced user platform, which makes our templates not only user-friendly, but Craigslist-friendly as well.
It is the goal of RocketPost to provide you with leading software solutions that make your recruitment efforts a breeze!
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