The Craigslist marketplace is one with variable advertising costs across each location. As such, it can be difficult to build an advertising budget across multiple target markets. Luckily, RocketPost offers its users a detailed breakdown of all U.S. Craigslist markets with page links, market codes, and costs laid out by Craigslist market/city. We’ve outlined out three ways to find this information below:
- Available in the ‘Audience’ section of RocketPost, users can easily review this valuable information across each market. RocketPost offers search functionality with the opportunity to input your desired location and we’ll provide the cost in that city (Step-by-step instructions on finding this information are listed at the end of this article).
- We’ve included the complete advertising cost overview broken down across all existing Craigslist markets below:
Market Name | Market Cost | Market Code | market_cost | Craigslist Market Link |
abilene, TX | $10.00 | abi | 10 | https://abilene.craigslist.org/ |
akron / canton, OH | $25.00 | cak | 25 | https://akroncanton.craigslist.org/ |
albany, GA | $10.00 | aby | 10 | https://albanyga.craigslist.org/ |
albany, NY | $25.00 | alb | 25 | https://albany.craigslist.org/ |
albuquerque, NM | $25.00 | abq | 25 | https://albuquerque.craigslist.org/ |
altoona-johnstown, PA | $10.00 | aoo | 10 | https://altoona.craigslist.org/ |
amarillo, TX | $15.00 | ama | 15 | https://amarillo.craigslist.org/ |
ames, IA | $10.00 | ame | 10 | https://ames.craigslist.org/ |
anchorage / mat-su, AK | $25.00 | anc | 25 | https://anchorage.craigslist.org/ |
ann arbor, MI | $25.00 | aaa | 25 | https://annarbor.craigslist.org/ |
annapolis, MD | $20.00 | anp | 20 | https://annapolis.craigslist.org/ |
appleton-oshkosh-FDL, WI | $20.00 | app | 20 | https://appleton.craigslist.org/ |
asheville, NC | $25.00 | ash | 25 | https://asheville.craigslist.org/ |
ashtabula, OH | $10.00 | jfn | 10 | https://ashtabula.craigslist.org/ |
athens, GA | $15.00 | ahn | 15 | https://athensga.craigslist.org/ |
athens, OH | $10.00 | ohu | 10 | http://athensohio.craigslist.org |
atlanta, GA – city of atlanta | $35.00 | atl – atl | 35 | https://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/ |
atlanta, GA – otp east | $35.00 | atl – eat | 35 | https://atlanta.craigslist.org/eat/ |
atlanta, GA – otp north | $35.00 | atl – nat | 35 | https://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/ |
atlanta, GA – otp south | $35.00 | atl – sat | 35 | https://atlanta.craigslist.org/sat/ |
atlanta, GA – otp west | $35.00 | atl – wat | 35 | https://atlanta.craigslist.org/wat/ |
auburn, AL | $10.00 | aub | 10 | https://auburn.craigslist.org/ |
augusta, GA | $15.00 | aug | 15 | https://augusta.craigslist.org/ |
austin, TX | $35.00 | aus | 35 | https://austin.craigslist.org/ |
bakersfield, CA | $25.00 | bak | 25 | https://bakersfield.craigslist.org/ |
baltimore, MD | $35.00 | bal | 35 | https://baltimore.craigslist.org/ |
baton rouge, LA | $20.00 | btr | 20 | https://batonrouge.craigslist.org/ |
battle creek, MI | $10.00 | btc | 10 | https://battlecreek.craigslist.org/ |
beaumont / port arthur, TX | $10.00 | bpt | 10 | https://beaumont.craigslist.org/ |
bellingham, WA | $25.00 | bli | 25 | https://bellingham.craigslist.org/ |
bemidji, MN | $10.00 | bji | 10 | https://bemidji.craigslist.org/ |
bend, OR | $25.00 | bnd | 25 | https://bend.craigslist.org/ |
billings, MT | $15.00 | bil | 15 | https://billings.craigslist.org/ |
binghamton, NY | $15.00 | bgm | 15 | https://binghamton.craigslist.org/ |
birmingham, AL | $25.00 | bhm | 25 | https://bham.craigslist.org/ |
bismarck, ND | $10.00 | bis | 10 | https://bismarck.craigslist.org/ |
bloomington-normal, IL | $10.00 | bln | 10 | https://bn.craigslist.org/ |
bloomington, IN | $15.00 | bmg | 15 | https://bloomington.craigslist.org/ |
boise, ID | $25.00 | boi | 25 | https://boise.craigslist.org/ |
boone, NC | $10.00 | bnc | 10 | https://boone.craigslist.org/ |
boston – boston/cambridge/brookline | $45.00 | bos – gbs | 45 | https://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/ |
boston, MA – metro west | $45.00 | bos – bmw | 45 | https://boston.craigslist.org/bmw/ |
boston, MA – north shore | $45.00 | bos – nos | 45 | https://boston.craigslist.org/nos/ |
boston, MA – northwest/merrimack | $45.00 | bos – nwb | 45 | https://boston.craigslist.org/nwb/ |
boston, MA – south shore | $45.00 | bos – sob | 45 | https://boston.craigslist.org/sob/ |
boulder, CO | $25.00 | bou | 25 | https://boulder.craigslist.org/ |
bowling green, KY | $15.00 | blg | 15 | https://bgky.craigslist.org/ |
bozeman, MT | $25.00 | bzn | 25 | https://bozeman.craigslist.org/ |
brainerd, MN | $10.00 | brd | 10 | https://brainerd.craigslist.org/ |
brownsville, TX | $10.00 | bro | 10 | https://brownsville.craigslist.org/ |
brunswick, GA | $10.00 | bwk | 10 | https://brunswick.craigslist.org/ |
buffalo, NY | $25.00 | buf | 25 | https://buffalo.craigslist.org/ |
butte, MT | $10.00 | btm | 10 | https://butte.craigslist.org/ |
cape cod / islands, FL | $20.00 | cap | 20 | https://capecod.craigslist.org/ |
catskills, NY | $10.00 | cat | 10 | https://catskills.craigslist.org/ |
cedar rapids, IA | $15.00 | ced | 15 | https://cedarrapids.craigslist.org/ |
central louisiana, LA | $10.00 | aex | 10 | https://cenla.craigslist.org/ |
central michigan, MI | $10.00 | cmu | 10 | https://centralmich.craigslist.org/ |
central NJ | $35.00 | cnj | 35 | https://cnj.craigslist.org/ |
champaign urbana, IL | $15.00 | chm | 15 | https://chambana.craigslist.org/ |
charleston, SC | $25.00 | chs | 25 | https://charleston.craigslist.org/ |
charleston, WV | $10.00 | crw | 10 | https://charlestonwv.craigslist.org/ |
charlotte, NC | $35.00 | cha | 35 | https://charlotte.craigslist.org/ |
charlottesville, VA | $20.00 | uva | 20 | http://charlottesville.craigslist.org/ |
chattanooga, TN | $20.00 | cht | 20 | https://chattanooga.craigslist.org/ |
chautauqua, NY | $10.00 | chq | 10 | https://chautauqua.craigslist.org/ |
chicago, IL – city of chicago | $45.00 | chi – chc | 45 | https://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/ |
chicago, IL – north chicagoland | $45.00 | chi – nch | 45 | https://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/ |
chicago, IL – northwest indiana | $45.00 | chi – nwi | 45 | https://chicago.craigslist.org/nwi/ |
chicago, IL – northwest suburbs | $45.00 | chi – nwc | 45 | https://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/ |
chicago, IL – south chicagoland | $45.00 | chi – sox | 45 | https://chicago.craigslist.org/sox/ |
chicago, IL – west chicagoland | $45.00 | chi – wcl | 45 | https://chicago.craigslist.org/wcl/ |
chico, CA | $20.00 | chc | 20 | https://chico.craigslist.org/ |
chillicothe, OH | $10.00 | chl | 10 | https://chillicothe.craigslist.org/ |
cincinnati, OH | $25.00 | cin | 25 | https://cincinnati.craigslist.org/ |
clarksville, TN | $10.00 | ckv | 10 | https://clarksville.craigslist.org/ |
cleveland, OH | $25.00 | cle | 25 | https://cleveland.craigslist.org/ |
clovis / portales, NM | $10.00 | cvn | 10 | https://clovis.craigslist.org/ |
college station, TX | $15.00 | cst | 15 | https://collegestation.craigslist.org/ |
colorado springs, CO | $25.00 | cos | 25 | https://cosprings.craigslist.org/ |
columbia / jeff city | $20.00 | cou | 20 | https://columbiamo.craigslist.org/ |
columbia, SC | $25.00 | cae | 25 | https://columbia.craigslist.org/ |
columbus, GA | $10.00 | csg | 10 | https://columbusga.craigslist.org/ |
columbus, OH | $35.00 | col | 35 | https://columbus.craigslist.org/ |
cookeville, TN | $10.00 | coo | 10 | https://cookeville.craigslist.org/ |
corpus christi, TX | $20.00 | crp | 20 | https://corpuschristi.craigslist.org/ |
corvallis/albany, OR | $20.00 | crv | 20 | https://corvallis.craigslist.org/ |
cumberland valley, PA | $10.00 | cbg | 10 | https://chambersburg.craigslist.org/ |
dallas / fort worth, TX – fort worth | $45.00 | dal – ftw | 45 | https://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/ |
dallas / fort worth, TX – mid cities | $45.00 | dal – mdf | 45 | https://dallas.craigslist.org/mdf/ |
dallas / fort worth, TX – north DFW | $45.00 | dal – ndf | 45 | https://dallas.craigslist.org/ndf/ |
dallas / fort worth, TX – dallas | $45.00 | dal – dal | 45 | https://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/ |
dallas / fort worth, TX – south DFW | $45.00 | dal – sdf | 45 | https://dallas.craigslist.org/sdf/ |
danville, VA | $10.00 | dnv | 10 | https://danville.craigslist.org/ |
dayton / springfield, OH | $25.00 | day | 25 | https://dayton.craigslist.org/ |
daytona beach, FL | $20.00 | dab | 20 | https://daytona.craigslist.org/ |
decatur, IL | $10.00 | dil | 10 | https://decatur.craigslist.org/ |
deep east texas, TX | $10.00 | och | 10 | http://nacogdoches.craigslist.org |
del rio / eagle pass, TX | $10.00 | drt | 10 | https://delrio.craigslist.org/ |
delaware, DE | $25.00 | dlw | 25 | https://delaware.craigslist.org/ |
denver, CO | $45.00 | den | 45 | https://denver.craigslist.org/ |
des moines, IA | $25.00 | dsm | 25 | https://desmoines.craigslist.org/ |
detroit metro – macomb county, MI | $35.00 | det – mcb | 35 | https://detroit.craigslist.org/mcb/ |
detroit metro – oakland county, MI | $35.00 | det – okl | 35 | https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/ |
detroit metro – wayne county, MI | $35.00 | det – wyn | 35 | https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/ |
dothan, AL | $10.00 | dhn | 10 | https://dothan.craigslist.org/ |
dubuque, IA | $10.00 | dbq | 10 | https://dubuque.craigslist.org/ |
duluth / superior, MN | $15.00 | dlh | 15 | https://duluth.craigslist.org/ |
east idaho, ID | $15.00 | eid | 15 | https://eastidaho.craigslist.org/ |
east oregon, OR | $10.00 | eor | 10 | https://eastoregon.craigslist.org/ |
eastern CO | $10.00 | eco | 10 | https://eastco.craigslist.org/ |
eastern CT | $15.00 | nlo | 15 | http://newlondon.craigslist.org |
eastern kentucky, KY | $10.00 | eky | 10 | https://eastky.craigslist.org/ |
eastern montana, MT | $10.00 | mnt | 10 | https://montana.craigslist.org/ |
eastern NC | $20.00 | enc | 20 | https://eastnc.craigslist.org/ |
eastern panhandle, WV | $10.00 | ewv | 10 | https://martinsburg.craigslist.org/ |
eastern shore, MD | $15.00 | esh | 15 | https://easternshore.craigslist.org/ |
eau claire, WI | $20.00 | eau | 20 | https://eauclaire.craigslist.org/ |
el paso, TX | $25.00 | elp | 25 | https://elpaso.craigslist.org/ |
elko, NV | $10.00 | elk | 10 | https://elko.craigslist.org/ |
elmira-corning, NY | $10.00 | elm | 10 | https://elmira.craigslist.org/ |
erie, PA | $10.00 | eri | 10 | https://erie.craigslist.org/ |
eugene, OR | $25.00 | eug | 25 | https://eugene.craigslist.org/ |
evansville, IN | $15.00 | evv | 15 | https://evansville.craigslist.org/ |
fairbanks, AK | $15.00 | fai | 15 | https://fairbanks.craigslist.org/ |
fargo / moorhead, ND | $20.00 | far | 20 | https://fargo.craigslist.org/ |
farmington, NM | $10.00 | fnm | 10 | https://farmington.craigslist.org/ |
fayetteville, AR | $20.00 | fyv | 20 | https://fayar.craigslist.org/ |
fayetteville, NC | $20.00 | fay | 20 | https://fayetteville.craigslist.org/ |
finger lakes, NY | $10.00 | fgl | 10 | https://fingerlakes.craigslist.org/ |
flagstaff / sedona, AZ | $15.00 | flg | 15 | https://flagstaff.craigslist.org/ |
flint, MI | $20.00 | fnt | 20 | https://flint.craigslist.org/ |
florence / muscle shoals, AL | $10.00 | msl | 10 | http://shoals.craigslist.org |
florence, SC | $10.00 | flo | 10 | https://florencesc.craigslist.org/ |
florida keys, FL | $10.00 | key | 10 | https://keys.craigslist.org/ |
fort collins / north CO | $25.00 | ftc | 25 | https://fortcollins.craigslist.org/ |
fort dodge, IA | $10.00 | ftd | 10 | https://fortdodge.craigslist.org/ |
fort smith, AR | $10.00 | fsm | 10 | https://fortsmith.craigslist.org/ |
fort wayne, IN | $20.00 | fwa | 20 | https://fortwayne.craigslist.org/ |
frederick, MD | $15.00 | fdk | 15 | https://frederick.craigslist.org/ |
fredericksburg, VA | $20.00 | ezf | 20 | https://fredericksburg.craigslist.org/ |
fresno / madera, CA | $25.00 | fre | 25 | https://fresno.craigslist.org/ |
ft myers / SW florida, FL – charlotte county | $25.00 | fmy – chl | 25 | https://fortmyers.craigslist.org/chl/ |
ft myers / SW florida, FL – collier county | $25.00 | fmy – col | 25 | https://fortmyers.craigslist.org/col/ |
ft myers / SW florida, FL – lee county | $25.00 | fmy – lee | 25 | https://fortmyers.craigslist.org/lee/ |
gadsden-anniston, AL | $10.00 | anb | 10 | https://gadsden.craigslist.org/ |
gainesville, FL | $20.00 | gnv | 20 | https://gainesville.craigslist.org/ |
galveston, TX | $10.00 | gls | 10 | https://galveston.craigslist.org/ |
glens falls, NY | $10.00 | gfl | 10 | https://glensfalls.craigslist.org/ |
gold country, CA | $20.00 | gld | 20 | https://goldcountry.craigslist.org/ |
grand forks, ND | $10.00 | gfk | 10 | https://grandforks.craigslist.org/ |
grand island, NE | $10.00 | gil | 10 | https://grandisland.craigslist.org/ |
grand rapids, MI | $25.00 | grr | 25 | https://grandrapids.craigslist.org/ |
great falls, MT | $10.00 | gtf | 10 | https://greatfalls.craigslist.org/ |
green bay, WI | $20.00 | grb | 20 | https://greenbay.craigslist.org/ |
greensboro, NC | $25.00 | gbo | 25 | https://greensboro.craigslist.org/ |
greenville / upstate, SC | $25.00 | gsp | 25 | https://greenville.craigslist.org/ |
gulfport / biloxi, MS | $15.00 | gpt | 15 | https://gulfport.craigslist.org/ |
hampton roads, VA | $25.00 | nfk | 25 | http://norfolk.craigslist.org |
hanford-corcoran, CA | $10.00 | hnf | 10 | https://hanford.craigslist.org/ |
harrisburg, PA | $25.00 | hrs | 25 | https://harrisburg.craigslist.org/ |
harrisonburg, VA | $10.00 | shd | 10 | http://harrisonburg.craigslist.org/ |
hartford, CT | $25.00 | htf | 25 | https://hartford.craigslist.org/ |
hattiesburg, MS | $10.00 | usm | 10 | http://hattiesburg.craigslist.org/ |
hawaii – big island | $35.00 | hnl – big | 35 | https://honolulu.craigslist.org/big/ |
hawaii – kauai | $35.00 | hnl – kau | 35 | https://honolulu.craigslist.org/kau/ |
hawaii – maui | $35.00 | hnl – mau | 35 | https://honolulu.craigslist.org/mau/ |
hawaii – molokai | $35.00 | hnl – mol | 35 | https://honolulu.craigslist.org/mol/ |
hawaii – oahu | $35.00 | hnl – oah | 35 | https://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/ |
heartland florida, FL | $10.00 | cfl | 10 | https://cfl.craigslist.org/ |
helena, MT | $10.00 | hln | 10 | https://helena.craigslist.org/ |
hickory / lenoir, NC | $15.00 | hky | 15 | https://hickory.craigslist.org/ |
high rockies, CO | $20.00 | rck | 20 | https://rockies.craigslist.org/ |
hilton head, SC | $10.00 | hhi | 10 | https://hiltonhead.craigslist.org/ |
holland, MI | $10.00 | hld | 10 | https://holland.craigslist.org/ |
houma, LA | $10.00 | hum | 10 | https://houma.craigslist.org/ |
houston, TX | $35.00 | hou | 35 | https://houston.craigslist.org/ |
hudson valley, NY | $25.00 | hud | 25 | https://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/ |
humboldt county, CA | $20.00 | hmb | 20 | https://humboldt.craigslist.org/ |
huntington-ashland, WV | $10.00 | hts | 10 | https://huntington.craigslist.org/ |
huntsville / decatur, AL | $20.00 | hsv | 20 | https://huntsville.craigslist.org/ |
imperial county, CA | $10.00 | imp | 10 | https://imperial.craigslist.org/ |
indianapolis, IN | $25.00 | ind | 25 | https://indianapolis.craigslist.org/ |
inland empire, CA | $35.00 | inl | 35 | https://inlandempire.craigslist.org/ |
iowa city, IA | $15.00 | iac | 15 | https://iowacity.craigslist.org/ |
ithaca, NY | $15.00 | ith | 15 | https://ithaca.craigslist.org/ |
jackson, MI | $10.00 | jxn | 10 | https://jxn.craigslist.org/ |
jackson, MS | $15.00 | jan | 15 | https://jackson.craigslist.org/ |
jackson, TN | $15.00 | jxt | 15 | https://jacksontn.craigslist.org/ |
jacksonville, FL | $25.00 | jax | 25 | https://jacksonville.craigslist.org/ |
jacksonville, NC | $10.00 | oaj | 10 | http://onslow.craigslist.org |
janesville, WI | $15.00 | jvl | 15 | https://janesville.craigslist.org/ |
jersey shore, NJ | $25.00 | jys | 25 | https://jerseyshore.craigslist.org/ |
jonesboro, AR | $10.00 | jbr | 10 | https://jonesboro.craigslist.org/ |
joplin, MO | $15.00 | jln | 15 | https://joplin.craigslist.org/ |
kalamazoo, MI | $15.00 | kzo | 15 | https://kalamazoo.craigslist.org/ |
kalispell, MT | $15.00 | fca | 15 | https://kalispell.craigslist.org/ |
kansas city, MO | $35.00 | ksc | 35 | https://kansascity.craigslist.org/ |
kenai peninsula, AK | $10.00 | ena | 10 | https://kenai.craigslist.org/ |
kennewick-pasco-richland, WA | $20.00 | kpr | 20 | https://kpr.craigslist.org/ |
kenosha-racine, WI | $20.00 | rac | 20 | https://racine.craigslist.org/ |
killeen / temple / ft hood, TX | $20.00 | grk | 20 | https://killeen.craigslist.org/ |
kirksville, MO | $10.00 | krk | 10 | https://kirksville.craigslist.org/ |
klamath falls, OR | $10.00 | klf | 10 | https://klamath.craigslist.org/ |
knoxville, TN | $25.00 | knx | 25 | https://knoxville.craigslist.org/ |
kokomo, IN | $10.00 | okk | 10 | http://kokomo.craigslist.org |
la crosse, WI | $15.00 | lse | 15 | http://lacrosse.craigslist.org |
la salle co, IL | $10.00 | lsl | 10 | http://lasalle.craigslist.org |
lafayette / west lafayette, IN | $15.00 | laf | 15 | https://tippecanoe.craigslist.org/ |
lafayette, LA | $10.00 | lft | 10 | https://lafayette.craigslist.org/ |
lake charles, LA | $10.00 | lkc | 10 | http://lakecharles.craigslist.org |
lake of the ozarks MO | $10.00 | loz | 10 | http://loz.craigslist.org |
lakeland, FL | $20.00 | lal | 20 | https://lakeland.craigslist.org/ |
lancaster, PA | $20.00 | lns | 20 | http://lancaster.craigslist.org |
lansing, MI | $20.00 | lan | 20 | https://lansing.craigslist.org/ |
laredo, TX | $15.00 | lrd | 15 | http://laredo.craigslist.org |
las cruces, NM | $10.00 | lcr | 10 | https://lascruces.craigslist.org/ |
las vegas, NV | $35.00 | lvg | 35 | http://lasvegas.craigslist.org |
lawrence, KS | $15.00 | lwr | 15 | http://lawrence.craigslist.org |
lawton, OK | $10.00 | law | 10 | https://lawton.craigslist.org/ |
lehigh valley, PA | $25.00 | alt | 25 | https://allentown.craigslist.org/ |
lewiston / clarkston, ID-WA | $10.00 | lws | 10 | http://lewiston.craigslist.org |
lexington, KY | $20.00 | lex | 20 | https://lexington.craigslist.org/ |
lima / findlay, OH | $15.00 | lma | 15 | http://limaohio.craigslist.org |
lincoln, NE | $20.00 | lnk | 20 | https://lincoln.craigslist.org/ |
little rock, AR | $20.00 | lit | 20 | https://littlerock.craigslist.org/ |
logan, UT | $10.00 | lgu | 10 | https://logan.craigslist.org/ |
long island, NY | $35.00 | isp | 35 | https://longisland.craigslist.org/ |
los angeles, CA – antelope valley | $45.00 | lax | 45 | https://losangeles.craigslist.org/ant/ |
los angeles, CA – long beach / 562 | $45.00 | lax | 45 | https://losangeles.craigslist.org/lgb/ |
los angeles, CA – san fernando valley | $45.00 | lax | 45 | https://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/ |
los angeles, CA – san gabriel valley | $45.00 | lax | 45 | |
los angeles, CA – westside-southbay-310 | $45.00 | lax | 45 | https://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/ |
los angeles, CA- central LA 213/323 | $45.00 | lax | 45 | https://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/ |
louisville, KY | $25.00 | lou | 25 | http://louisville.craigslist.org |
lubbock, TX | $20.00 | lbb | 20 | https://lubbock.craigslist.org/ |
lynchburg, VA | $10.00 | lyn | 10 | http://lynchburg.craigslist.org |
macon / warner robins, GA | $15.00 | mcn | 15 | http://macon.craigslist.org |
madison, WI | $25.00 | mad | 25 | http://madison.craigslist.org |
maine, ME | $25.00 | mne | 25 | http://maine.craigslist.org |
manhattan, KS | $10.00 | mhk | 10 | http://ksu.craigslist.org |
mankato, MN | $15.00 | mkt | 15 | https://mankato.craigslist.org/ |
mansfield, OH | $10.00 | mfd | 10 | http://mansfield.craigslist.org |
mason city, IA | $10.00 | msc | 10 | http://masoncity.craigslist.org |
mattoon-charleston, IL | $10.00 | mto | 10 | http://mattoon.craigslist.org |
mcallen / edinburg, TX | $20.00 | mca | 20 | http://mcallen.craigslist.org |
meadville, PA | $10.00 | mdv | 10 | http://meadville.craigslist.org |
medford-ashland, OR | $25.00 | mfr | 25 | http://medford.craigslist.org |
memphis, TN | $25.00 | mem | 25 | http://memphis.craigslist.org |
mendocino county, CA | $10.00 | mdo | 10 | http://mendocino.craigslist.org |
merced, CA | $15.00 | mer | 15 | http://merced.craigslist.org |
meridian, MS | $10.00 | mei | 10 | http://meridian.craigslist.org |
milwaukee, WI | $25.00 | mil | 25 | http://milwaukee.craigslist.org |
minneapolis / st paul, MN – anoka/chisago/isanti | $45.00 | min | 45 | |
minneapolis / st paul, MN – carver/sherburne/wright | $45.00 | min | 45 | |
minneapolis / st paul, MN – dakota / scott | $45.00 | min | 45 | |
minneapolis / st paul, MN – hennepin county | $45.00 | min | 45 | |
minneapolis / st paul, MN – ramsey county | $45.00 | min | 45 | |
minneapolis / st paul, MN – washington co / WI | $45.00 | min | 45 | |
missoula, MT | $20.00 | mso | 20 | http://missoula.craigslist.org |
mobile, AL | $20.00 | mob | 20 | http://mobile.craigslist.org |
modesto, CA | $25.00 | mod | 25 | http://modesto.craigslist.org |
mohave county, AZ | $15.00 | mhv | 15 | http://mohave.craigslist.org |
monroe, LA | $10.00 | mlu | 10 | http://monroemi.craigslist.org |
monroe, MI | $10.00 | mnr | 10 | http://monroe.craigslist.org |
monterey bay, CA | $25.00 | mtb | 25 | http://monterey.craigslist.org |
montgomery, AL | $15.00 | mgm | 15 | http://montgomery.craigslist.org |
morgantown, WV | $10.00 | wvu | 10 | http://morgantown.craigslist.org/ |
moses lake, WA | $10.00 | mlk | 10 | ttp://moseslake.craigslist.org |
muncie / anderson, IN | $15.00 | mun | 15 | http://muncie.craigslist.org |
muskegon, MI | $10.00 | mkg | 10 | http://muskegon.craigslist.org |
myrtle beach, SC | $20.00 | myr | 20 | http://myrtlebeach.craigslist.org |
nashville, TN | $35.00 | nsh | 35 | http://nashville.craigslist.org |
new hampshire, NH | $25.00 | nhm | 25 | http://nh.craigslist.org |
new haven, CT | $25.00 | hvn | 25 | https://newhaven.craigslist.org/ |
new orleans, LA | $25.00 | nor | 25 | http://neworleans.craigslist.org |
new river valley, VA | $10.00 | vpi | 10 | http://blacksburg.craigslist.org/ |
new york city – brooklyn, NY | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/ |
new york city – fairfield co, CT | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/fct/ |
new york city – long island, NY | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/lgi/ |
new york city – manhattan, NY | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/ |
new york city – new jersey, NJ | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/jsy/ |
new york city – queens, NY | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/que/ |
new york city – staten island, NY | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/stn/ |
new york city – westchester, NY | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/ |
new york city, NY – bronx | $45.00 | nyc | 45 | https://newyork.craigslist.org/brx/ |
north central FL | $10.00 | lcq | 10 | https://lakecity.craigslist.org/ |
north dakota, ND | $15.00 | ndk | 15 | http://nd.craigslist.org |
north jersey, NJ | $35.00 | njy | 35 | http://newjersey.craigslist.org |
north mississippi, MS | $15.00 | nms | 15 | http://northmiss.craigslist.org |
north platte, NE | $10.00 | lbf | 10 | https://northplatte.craigslist.org/ |
northeast SD | $10.00 | abr | 10 | https://nesd.craigslist.org/ |
northern michigan, MI | $15.00 | nmi | 15 | http://nmi.craigslist.org |
northern panhandle, WV | $10.00 | whl | 10 | http://wheeling.craigslist.org/ |
northern WI | $10.00 | nwi | 10 | http://northernwi.craigslist.org |
northwest CT | $10.00 | nct | 10 | http://nwct.craigslist.org |
northwest GA | $10.00 | nwg | 10 | http://nwga.craigslist.org |
northwest KS | $10.00 | nwk | 10 | http://nwks.craigslist.org |
northwest OK | $10.00 | end | 10 | https://enid.craigslist.org/ |
ocala, FL | $20.00 | oca | 20 | http://ocala.craigslist.org |
odessa / midland, TX | $20.00 | odm | 20 | http://odessa.craigslist.org |
ogden-clearfield, UT | $10.00 | ogd | 10 | http://ogden.craigslist.org |
okaloosa / walton, FL | $15.00 | yps | 15 | https://quincy.craigslist.org/ |
oklahoma city, OK | $25.00 | okc | 25 | http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org |
olympic peninsula, WA | $15.00 | olp | 15 | http://olympic.craigslist.org |
omaha, NE / council bluffs, IA | $25.00 | oma | 25 | http://omaha.craigslist.org |
oneonta, NY | $10.00 | onh | 10 | http://oneonta.craigslist.org |
orange county, CA | $45.00 | orc | 45 | http://orangecounty.craigslist.org |
oregon coast, OR | $15.00 | cor | 15 | https://oregoncoast.craigslist.org/ |
orlando, FL | $35.00 | orl | 35 | http://orlando.craigslist.org |
outer banks, NC | $10.00 | obx | 10 | http://outerbanks.craigslist.org |
owensboro, KY | $10.00 | owb | 10 | http://owensboro.craigslist.org |
palm springs, CA | $20.00 | psp | 20 | https://palmsprings.craigslist.org/ |
panama city, FL | $15.00 | pfn | 15 | http://panamacity.craigslist.org |
parkersburg-marietta, WV | $10.00 | pkb | 10 | https://parkersburg.craigslist.org/ |
pensacola, FL | $20.00 | pns | 20 | https://pensacola.craigslist.org/ |
peoria, IL | $15.00 | pia | 15 | https://peoria.craigslist.org/ |
philadelphia, PA | $35.00 | phi | 35 | http://philadelphia.craigslist.org |
phoenix, AZ – central/south phx | $45.00 | phx | 45 | https://phoenix.craigslist.org/cph/ |
phoenix, AZ – east valley | $45.00 | phx | 45 | https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/ |
phoenix, AZ – phx north | $45.00 | phx | 45 | https://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/ |
phoenix, AZ – west valley | $45.00 | phx | 45 | https://phoenix.craigslist.org/wvl/ |
pierre / central SD | $10.00 | csd | 10 | https://csd.craigslist.org/ |
pittsburgh, PA | $35.00 | pit | 35 | https://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/ |
plattsburgh-adirondacks, NY | $10.00 | plb | 10 | https://plattsburgh.craigslist.org/ |
poconos, PA | $15.00 | poc | 15 | https://poconos.craigslist.org/ |
port huron, MI | $10.00 | phn | 10 | http://porthuron.craigslist.org |
portland, OR – clackamas county | $45.00 | pdx | 45 | https://portland.craigslist.org/clc/ |
portland, OR – clark/cowlitz WA | $45.00 | pdx | 45 | https://portland.craigslist.org/clk/ |
portland, OR – columbia gorge | $45.00 | pdx | 45 | https://portland.craigslist.org/grg/ |
portland, OR – multnomah county | $45.00 | pdx | 45 | https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/ |
portland, OR – north coast | $45.00 | pdx | 45 | https://portland.craigslist.org/nco/ |
portland, OR – washington county | $45.00 | pdx | 45 | https://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/ |
portland, OR – yamhill co | $45.00 | pdx | 45 | https://portland.craigslist.org/yam/ |
potsdam-canton-massena, NY | $10.00 | ptd | 10 | https://potsdam.craigslist.org/ |
prescott, AZ | $15.00 | prc | 15 | https://prescott.craigslist.org/ |
provo / orem, UT | $10.00 | pvu | 10 | https://provo.craigslist.org/ |
pueblo, CO | $15.00 | pub | 15 | https://pueblo.craigslist.org/ |
pullman / moscow, WA | $10.00 | plm | 10 | https://pullman.craigslist.org/ |
quad cities, IA/IL | $15.00 | mli | 15 | http://quadcities.craigslist.org |
raleigh / durham / CH, NC | $35.00 | ral | 35 | https://raleigh.craigslist.org/ |
rapid city / west SD | $10.00 | rap | 10 | https://rapidcity.craigslist.org/ |
reading, PA | $20.00 | rea | 20 | https://reading.craigslist.org/ |
redding, CA | $20.00 | rdd | 20 | https://redding.craigslist.org/ |
reno / tahoe, NV | $25.00 | rno | 25 | https://reno.craigslist.org/ |
rhode island, RI | $25.00 | prv | 25 | https://providence.craigslist.org/ |
richmond, IN | $10.00 | rin | 10 | https://richmondin.craigslist.org/ |
richmond, VA | $25.00 | ric | 25 | https://richmond.craigslist.org/ |
roanoke, VA | $20.00 | roa | 20 | https://roanoke.craigslist.org/ |
rochester, MN | $15.00 | rmn | 15 | https://rmn.craigslist.org/ |
rochester, NY | $25.00 | rcs | 25 | https://rochester.craigslist.org/ |
rockford, IL | $20.00 | rfd | 20 | https://rockford.craigslist.org/ |
roseburg, OR | $10.00 | rbg | 10 | https://roseburg.craigslist.org/ |
roswell / carlsbad, NM | $10.00 | row | 10 | https://roswell.craigslist.org/ |
sacramento, CA | $35.00 | sac | 35 | https://sacramento.craigslist.org/ |
saginaw-midland-baycity, MI | $10.00 | mbs | 10 | http://saginaw.craigslist.org |
salem, OR | $25.00 | sle | 25 | http://salem.craigslist.org/ |
salina, KS | $10.00 | sns | 10 | http://salina.craigslist.org/ |
salt lake city, UT | $25.00 | slc | 25 | http://saltlakecity.craigslist.org/ |
san angelo, TX | $10.00 | sjt | 10 | http://sanangelo.craigslist.org/ |
san antonio, TX | $35.00 | sat | 35 | http://sanantonio.craigslist.org |
san diego, CA – city of san diego | $45.00 | sdo/csd | 45 | https://sandiego.craigslist.org/csd/ |
san diego, CA – east san diego county | $45.00 | sdo/esd | 45 | https://sandiego.craigslist.org/esd/ |
san diego, CA – north san diego county | $45.00 | sdo/nsd | 45 | https://sandiego.craigslist.org/nsd/ |
san diego, CA – south san diego county | $45.00 | sdo/ssd | 45 | https://sandiego.craigslist.org/ssd/ |
san luis obispo, CA | $25.00 | slo | 25 | http://slo.craigslist.org/ |
san marcos, TX | $20.00 | tsu | 20 | http://sanmarcos.craigslist.org/ |
sandusky, OH | $10.00 | sky | 10 | http://sandusky.craigslist.org/ |
santa barbara, CA | $25.00 | sba | 25 | http://santabarbara.craigslist.org/ |
santa fe / taos, NM | $20.00 | saf | 20 | http://santafe.craigslist.org/ |
santa maria, CA | $20.00 | smx | 20 | http://santamaria.craigslist.org/ |
sarasota-bradenton, FL | $25.00 | srq | 25 | http://sarasota.craigslist.org/ |
savannah / hinesville, GA | $25.00 | sav | 25 | http://savannah.craigslist.org/ |
scottsbluff / panhandle, NE | $10.00 | bff | 10 | https://scottsbluff.craigslist.org/ |
scranton / wilkes-barre, PA | $25.00 | avp | 25 | https://scranton.craigslist.org/ |
seattle-tacoma, WA – eastside | $45.00 | sea/est | 45 | https://seattle.craigslist.org/est/ |
seattle-tacoma, WA – kitsap / west puget | $45.00 | sea/kit | 45 | https://seattle.craigslist.org/kit/ |
seattle-tacoma, WA – olympia / thurston | $45.00 | sea/oly | 45 | https://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/ |
seattle-tacoma, WA – seattle | $45.00 | sea/see | 45 | https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/ |
seattle-tacoma, WA – snohomish county | $45.00 | sea/sno | 45 | https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/ |
seattle-tacoma, WA – south king co | $45.00 | sea/skc | 45 | https://seattle.craigslist.org/skc/ |
seattle-tacoma, WA – tacoma / pierce | $45.00 | sea/tac | 45 | https://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/ |
SF bay area, CA – city of san francisco | $75.00 | sfo/sfc | 75 | https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/ |
SF bay area, CA – east bay area | $75.00 | sfo/eby | 75 | https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/ |
SF bay area, CA – north bay / marin | $75.00 | sfo/nby | 75 | https://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/ |
SF bay area, CA – peninsula | $75.00 | sfo/pen | 75 | https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/ |
SF bay area, CA – santa cruz co | $75.00 | sfo/scz | 75 | https://sfbay.craigslist.org/scz/ |
SF bay area, CA – south bay area | $75.00 | sfo/sby | 75 | https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/ |
sheboygan, WI | $10.00 | sbm | 10 | http://sheboygan.craigslist.org/ |
show low, AZ | $10.00 | sow | 10 | http://showlow.craigslist.org/ |
shreveport, LA | $15.00 | shv | 15 | http://shreveport.craigslist.org/ |
sierra vista, AZ | $10.00 | fhu | 10 | https://sierravista.craigslist.org/ |
sioux city, IA | $10.00 | sux | 10 | http://siouxcity.craigslist.org/ |
sioux falls / SE, SD | $15.00 | fsd | 15 | http://siouxfalls.craigslist.org/ |
siskiyou county, CA | $10.00 | ssk | 10 | http://siskiyou.craigslist.org/ |
skagit / island / SJI, WA | $20.00 | mvw | 20 | http://skagit.craigslist.org/ |
south bend / michiana, IN | $20.00 | sbn | 20 | http://southbend.craigslist.org/ |
south coast, MA | $20.00 | sma | 20 | http://southcoast.craigslist.org/ |
south dakota, SD | $10.00 | sdk | 10 | http://sd.craigslist.org/ |
south florida, FL – broward county | $45.00 | mia/brw | 45 | https://miami.craigslist.org/brw/ |
south florida, FL – miami / dade county | $45.00 | mia/mdc | 45 | https://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/ |
south florida, FL – palm beach county | $45.00 | mia/pbc | 45 | https://miami.craigslist.org/pbc/ |
south jersey, NJ | $25.00 | snj | 25 | https://southjersey.craigslist.org/ |
southeast alaska, AK | $10.00 | jnu | 10 | http://juneau.craigslist.org/ |
southeast IA | $10.00 | otu | 10 | http://ottumwa.craigslist.org/ |
southeast KS | $10.00 | sek | 10 | http://seks.craigslist.org/ |
southeast missouri, MO | $10.00 | smo | 10 | http://semo.craigslist.org/ |
southern illinois, IL | $10.00 | cbd | 10 | https://carbondale.craigslist.org/ |
southern maryland, MD | $15.00 | smd | 15 | http://smd.craigslist.org/ |
southern WV | $10.00 | swv | 10 | http://swv.craigslist.org/ |
southwest KS | $10.00 | swk | 10 | http://swks.craigslist.org/ |
southwest michigan, MI | $10.00 | swm | 10 | http://swmi.craigslist.org/ |
southwest MN | $10.00 | mml | 10 | http://marshall.craigslist.org |
southwest MS | $10.00 | hez | 10 | http://natchez.craigslist.org/ |
southwest TX | $10.00 | wtx | 10 | http://bigbend.craigslist.org/ |
southwest VA | $10.00 | vaw | 10 | http://swva.craigslist.org/ |
space coast, FL | $20.00 | mlb | 20 | http://spacecoast.craigslist.org |
spokane, WA / coeur d’alene, ID | $25.00 | spk | 25 | http://spokane.craigslist.org/ |
springfield, IL | $10.00 | spi | 10 | http://springfieldil.craigslist.org/ |
springfield, MO | $20.00 | sgf | 20 | http://springfield.craigslist.org/ |
st augustine, FL | $15.00 | ust | 15 | http://staugustine.craigslist.org/ |
st cloud, MN | $15.00 | stc | 15 | http://stcloud.craigslist.org/ |
st george, UT | $10.00 | stg | 10 | http://stgeorge.craigslist.org/ |
st joseph, MO | $10.00 | stj | 10 | http://stjoseph.craigslist.org/ |
st louis, MO | $35.00 | stl | 35 | http://stlouis.craigslist.org/ |
state college, PA | $10.00 | psu | 10 | https://pennstate.craigslist.org/ |
statesboro, GA | $10.00 | tbr | 10 | http://statesboro.craigslist.org/ |
stillwater, OK | $10.00 | osu | 10 | http://stillwater.craigslist.org |
stockton, CA | $25.00 | stk | 25 | http://stockton.craigslist.org/ |
susanville, CA | $10.00 | ssn | 10 | http://susanville.craigslist.org |
syracuse, NY | $25.00 | syr | 25 | http://syracuse.craigslist.org/ |
tallahassee, FL | $20.00 | tal | 20 | http://tallahassee.craigslist.org/ |
tampa bay area, FL – hernando co | $35.00 | tpa/hdo | 35 | https://tampa.craigslist.org/hdo/ |
tampa bay area, FL – hillsborough co | $35.00 | tpa/hil | 35 | https://tampa.craigslist.org/hil/ |
tampa bay area, FL – pasco co | $35.00 | tpa/psc | 35 | https://tampa.craigslist.org/psc/ |
tampa bay area, FL – pinellas co | $35.00 | tpa/pnl | 35 | https://tampa.craigslist.org/pnl/ |
terre haute, IN | $10.00 | tha | 10 | http://terrehaute.craigslist.org/ |
texarkana, AR | $10.00 | txk | 10 | http://texarkana.craigslist.org/ |
texoma, TX | $10.00 | txm | 10 | http://texoma.craigslist.org/ |
the thumb, MI | $10.00 | thb | 10 | http://thumb.craigslist.org/ |
toledo, OH | $25.00 | tol | 25 | http://toledo.craigslist.org/ |
topeka, KS | $20.00 | tpk | 20 | http://topeka.craigslist.org/ |
treasure coast, FL | $25.00 | psl | 25 | https://treasure.craigslist.org/ |
tri-cities, TN | $15.00 | tri | 15 | http://tricities.craigslist.org/ |
tucson, AZ | $25.00 | tus | 25 | http://tucson.craigslist.org/ |
tulsa, OK | $25.00 | tul | 25 | http://tulsa.craigslist.org/ |
tuscaloosa, AL | $10.00 | tsc | 10 | http://tuscaloosa.craigslist.org/ |
tuscarawas co, OH | $10.00 | nph | 10 | http://tuscarawas.craigslist.org |
twin falls, ID | $15.00 | twf | 15 | http://twinfalls.craigslist.org/ |
twin tiers NY/PA | $10.00 | tts | 10 | http://twintiers.craigslist.org/ |
tyler / east TX | $20.00 | etx | 20 | https://easttexas.craigslist.org/ |
upper peninsula, MI | $10.00 | yup | 10 | http://up.craigslist.org/ |
utica-rome-oneida, NY | $10.00 | uti | 10 | http://utica.craigslist.org/ |
valdosta, GA | $10.00 | vld | 10 | http://valdosta.craigslist.org/ |
ventura county, CA | $25.00 | oxr | 25 | http://ventura.craigslist.org |
vermont, VT | $25.00 | brl | 25 | https://vermont.craigslist.org/ |
victoria, TX | $10.00 | vtx | 10 | http://victoriatx.craigslist.org/ |
visalia-tulare, CA | $15.00 | vis | 15 | http://visalia.craigslist.org/ |
waco, TX | $15.00 | wco | 15 | http://waco.craigslist.org/ |
washington, DC – district of columbia | $45.00 | wdc/doc | 45 | |
washington, DC – maryland | $45.00 | wdc/mld | 45 | |
washington, DC – northern virginia | $45.00 | wdc/nva | 45 | |
waterloo / cedar falls, IA | $15.00 | wlo | 15 | http://waterloo.craigslist.org/ |
watertown, NY | $10.00 | wtn | 10 | http://watertown.craigslist.org/ |
wausau, WI | $15.00 | wau | 15 | http://wausau.craigslist.org/ |
wenatchee, WA | $15.00 | wen | 15 | http://wenatchee.craigslist.org/ |
western IL | $10.00 | qcy | 10 | http://quincy.craigslist.org |
western KY | $10.00 | wky | 10 | http://westky.craigslist.org/ |
western maryland, MD | $10.00 | wmd | 10 | http://westmd.craigslist.org/ |
western massachusetts, MA | $25.00 | wma | 25 | http://westernmass.craigslist.org/ |
western slope, CO | $20.00 | gjt | 20 | https://westslope.craigslist.org/ |
wichita falls, TX | $10.00 | wtf | 10 | http://wichitafalls.craigslist.org/ |
wichita, KS | $20.00 | wic | 20 | http://wichita.craigslist.org/ |
williamsport, PA | $15.00 | wpt | 15 | http://williamsport.craigslist.org/ |
wilmington, NC | $20.00 | wnc | 20 | http://wilmington.craigslist.org/ |
winchester, VA | $15.00 | okv | 15 | http://winchester.craigslist.org |
winston-salem, NC | $20.00 | wsl | 20 | http://winstonsalem.craigslist.org/ |
worcester / central MA | $25.00 | wor | 25 | http://worcester.craigslist.org/ |
wyoming, WY | $15.00 | wyo | 15 | http://wyoming.craigslist.org/ |
yakima, WA | $20.00 | yak | 20 | http://yakima.craigslist.org/ |
york, PA | $20.00 | yrk | 20 | http://york.craigslist.org/ |
youngstown, OH | $20.00 | yng | 20 | http://youngstown.craigslist.org/ |
yuba-sutter, CA | $15.00 | ybs | 15 | http://yubasutter.craigslist.org/ |
yuma, AZ | $10.00 | yum | 10 | http://yuma.craigslist.org/ |
zanesville / cambridge, OH | $10.00 | zyl | 10 | http://zanesville.craigslist.org/ |
- If you’d prefer a personal copy, our Success Team will be happy to provide one for you. Simply email us at Success@RocketPost.io and we’ll be glad to send it your way!
Broken down by market, this information will provide Rocketpost users with a valuable advertising resource. Because Craigslist does adjust markets and their costs occasionally, this list and the RocketPost platform will continually be updated, so that our users always have accurate information. Knowing these costs across all Craigslist markets will enable users to accurately build and plan budgets when targeting audiences in one or more locations.
REFERENCE: ‘How to Search for Individual Markets & Market Costs’ Instructions on RocketPost: https://app.rocketpost.io/AUDIENCES
- Users can find markets by clicking Audience >
- Click New Audience >
- Scroll Down to ‘Select Your Markets’ >
- Type in any Craigslist Market Name >
- Find your Market and any additional markets within your hiring radius + Cost of Market